

The Chilli Pickle at Christmas

Photos from The Chilli Pickle in Brighton, because there weren’t enough good ones to go with my review of the place.

The goose momos were absolute perfection, packed with seasonally spiced goose and served with a stunning redcurrant sauce. Truly ‘Indian Christmas’.

The curried venison was also superb, but what really sent this dish into orbit was that innocuous little naan down there. It was stuffed with an incredibly thin but tangy layer of dates.

This is something I’ve never come across. Hidden under that colourful sauce is a ring doughnut, of all things! It’s called a vada, and the sauce was tangy and uplifting as well as bright.

Nothing better at the end of an Indian meal than a proper cup of chai. Hugged in the hands, in the approved method for bearing hot drinks to the lips during winter. ; )

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