Category Archive: Restaurant Reviews

Restaurant reviews

Review: The Dogs, Edinburgh

The Dogs is one of those great little finds, someone cooking good food without pretension in a kinda ramshackle and unexpected corner of a city. I’m reminded of Strathvagin in Glasgow. Dogs are a very literal theme, from the front door all the way up the old staircase, and into the bar and dining room …

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Review: Eat Wild, Cirencester

Oh wow, that was a good burger. No, it was a great burger! And just for good measure, it came with great fries. Oh, and Maureen’s pulled venison lasagne was super-great too, with star anise to give it whumph. And then for afters I scoffed a stick toffee pudding with so much (oh so very …

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Review: Castle Terrace, Edinburgh

At some point I just got bored and stopped eating my skate. Which is, really, one of the worst things you can say about a restaurant when you’re forking out over a hundred per person. This was my main course, “seared skate grenobloise with crushed pink fir apple potatoes and sea kale”. Seared implies flame-kissed, …

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Review: The Karczma, Birmingham

I should be making witty remarks about the completely unironic kitsch of The Karczma, a 200% Polish restaurant in a dubious corner of Birmingham city centre. But all I want to do is MOAN ABOUT THE STUPID CRAPPY WEATHER WE’VE BEEN HAVING FOR THE PAST, LIKE, NINE MONTHS OR SOMETHING. We have never been so …

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Review: Zheng, Oxford

My favourite cuisine of all from our year-long trip around the world was probably Malay, which we tucked into on Penang island and in Singapore. This was before I started the food blog, so you’ll have to check out my travel blog for details! Suffice to say, it’s an amazing riddle of spices and of …

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