Tag Archive: London

Review: Quality Chop House, Shoreditch

We had one of those great but pointless discussions about “what is Modern British cuisine?” and you’ll be glad to hear I’m not going to bore you with my arguments or our (lack of) conclusions. Although I think we did conclude that the Quality Chop House is still genuinely Traditional British, just with some useful …

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Review: Fallow, Soho

Comfort is a big part of how you rate a meal, whether you care to admit it or not. I remember getting to WTLGI down slippery frozen steps on a snowy night, teeth chattering, and then finding that it was never quite warm enough in the dining room to thaw out properly. I’m willing to …

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Review: Jose, Bermondsey

Jose Pizzaro’s unadorned tapas bar in Bermondsey is just perfect. I mean, it really is trying hard to be a little slice of Spain in London, but that’s okay by me. The decor is right, the drink is right, the food is right. I want you to be in the right frame of mind before …

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Review: Noble Rot, Holborn

This was supposed to be a review of Noble Rot’s new place in Soho. But someone booked the wrong branch. I can’t get huffy. It was our friends who booked, for a long overdue get together, but then COVID went all tier-2 on us and mixed meet-ups were suddenly outlawed. Our friends were lovely as …

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Review: Bocca di Lupo, Soho

The latest in my blog series: “But is it still any good?” where I gradually get around to eating out at all the places that were shiny and new in London while I was living out in the provinces! Bocca di Lupo was pretty exciting when it opened; a trendy dining room down a sleazy …

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